Monday, September 8, 2008

Home @ last

Well, maybe I should say “house at last”. I’m finally back in Little Rock, but not for long. I’ve kept the friendly road/sky busy the last two months…first Iowa, then South Carolina, then Seattle. Next it’s off to Florida and then possibly back to South Carolina for work. Hey, at least I’m racking up some hotel and airline points!!! I’d like to thank a few peeps in each of these areas for making my travels just a little bit easier and fun:

Iowa: Linda and Lisa, you guys are the best. I’m not really a corn fan but your corn-infested state is a hoot to hang out in!
South Carolina: Erik, you rawk. Thanks for playing concierge and the bike ride and runs were an absolute blast. Oh, and you really do make the best apple martini in the world!
Seattle: Super Dave, you’re da man. You are the best airport shuttle and you definitely know your local pubs/brews. The organic blueberries were the best treat ever and the sushi was so yummy!

So, I told you my OCD would kick in when I got back to the condo. After a few all-nighters, I’d say about 70% of the boxes are unpacked! I’ve assembled, disassembled, pushed, pulled, lifted, and dropped a bunch of stuff in 4 days time. I can even get my car in the garage. And, I find this phenomenon absolutely amusing. I’ve got 14 YEARS of higher education…yes, that would be 4 college degrees…but I can’t hang a freaking picture in the center of the wall to save my life.

Let's see, I’m a statistician…one of math background…one that not only knows how to use calculators but also elaborate statistical software…I dig complex formulas and theoretical algorithms…and word problems were my thing in school. BUT, don't give me (a) 1 fireplace mantel that is 59 inches wide (b) 1 rod-iron centerpiece that is 38 inches total (two pieces at 19 inches each) and (c) 2 special hangers rated for 100 lbs that have 3 different lengths of nails and requires 6 holes total!!! It was a nightmare and I’m sure the fly on the wall was laughing his a$$ off. Just go ahead and throw in two trains traveling at the same speed and leaving at the same time: one from California and one from New York. I did pretty well though…all the wall art is hung and there are only 4 “extra” holes in the entire condo! I’m okay with that…really…I am.

And since the walls are now decorated and the boxes are disappearing, the new nest is beginning to feel a bit more familiar. Perhaps soon, I can say “HOME at last”. Until then, I’ve got some more unpacking to do~

Thanks for reading (and I know you’re secretly doing the math in your head)


Anonymous said...

Wrought iron centerpiece?