Monday, March 31, 2008

Yum, Yum...Crow taste good!

Ok. I admit it. I may have insinuated in my last post that triathlon training was a little crazy and that triathletes are a different breed. Well, all I can say is crow taste good...

Mr. Weatherman made it pretty clear that it was gonna rain tonight, so I knew the chances of a run/ride brick were slim. I decided, therefore, to go for a little swim in an attempt to redeem myself from last year's debacle. Just how bad could it have been? The truth came out tonight when my friend/swim instructor Rhonda J. said, "I can't believe you're the same person that was in this pool last do all kinds of things and I just couldn't figure out why you were having such a hard time".

On the way over to the pool, I told myself this swimming thing was completely psychological and that I had the capability of learning proper swim technique (3 freakin' graduate degrees and 14 years of school...surely I can master bilateral breathing and arm strokes). I had to remind myself that my very first lesson with Rhonda last year was 5 days after being discharged from the hospital. I'd lost 20 lbs and my liver wasn't functioning....perhaps that affected my performance. Regardless, I was now a little freaked about jumping in, but all was good during this lesson!

After 30 minutes of breathing and head rolling instruction, we added arms and legs. She made me do a few more practice laps and then she became the Swim Nazi... don't stop, keep breathing, full strokes, don't touch the bottom, yada, yada, yada. AMAZINGLY ENOUGH...I DID IT!!! It was just psychological...go figure! And, it felt good!

I determined tonight that swimming is much like riding a bike. Just as you find a comfortable cadence and spin, spin, spin, you find a comfortable breathing and stroke rhythm and propel, propel, propel. Now, I have no misconception that this sport will be easy once I'm in open water with a gazillion other peeps. But, at least I didn't hit the proverbial brick wall...or would that be "pool wall"?

I'm still afraid though. I think I might just get hooked on this triathlon thing. Great, just what I need~another hobby!

Gotta go for now as I have more crow to eat-

Swim on,