Monday, October 20, 2008

Crazy Busy

Just wanted to get a short post in before someone screamed SK syndrome was ‘back in the house’. I’ve been rather busy with work and well…work. We are undertaking some new initiatives and I’ve taken on some new responsibilities. I’m super excited about some opportunities on the horizon and I’m more motivated than ever to get some of these projects off the ground…I love a good challenge!

I’ll be back on the road again soon…I’m cruising down to Austin, TX this weekend then I’m off to Birmingham, AL, Columbia, SC, and JAX, FL in November, and then Charleston, SC in December. At least I’ll get to play a little along the way…plan to do some riding, running, and camping!

What else have I been up to? Let’s see. Shawdawggie and I spent some time riding, running, and enjoying the beach at our “Florida home”. I rode the BDB 100 with my RAGBRAI LIVESTRONG teammate, Steve (aka Mr. Wales). I started training for the Little Rock Marathon. Steph and I participated in 2 different Arkansas Safe Routes to School events and press conferences (kudos to London Elementary and Forest Park Elementary) on International Walk to School Day. And last but not least, I’ve been a social butterfly lately attending various fundraisers and charity events!

Seems like I have a billion more things to post, but no time to do so right now. I promise I’ll provide more life details later~

Thanks for stopping by,